“I wanted to write and thank you personally and on behalf of the Thames Diamond Jubilee Foundation for your contribution to the pageant. We are very proud of our official souvenir programme, thanks in large measure to the efforts of your team”
“St James’s House and the History of Parliament have produced a really great book. It looks wonderful”
“This book fills an important gap in the literature on diversity and I commend the authors, as well as the UK Government, for pushing the idea”
“St James’s House’s work has been a major factor in our projects’ continuing success. I can confidently recommend St James’s House as a solid and reliable company, and as experts in their field”
“We’ve received very positive feedback on the book and last night’s event. Our Director-General is absolutely thrilled with the book and he really enjoyed the evening. Thank you so much for all your hard work”
“The Rolls-Royce Enthusiasts’ Club has a longstanding agreement with St James’s House to produce our landmark anniversary publications. The yearbook has been of exceptional quality and is an extremely valued part of the service provided to our members”
“Thanks to St James’s House for your most generous support to The Rolls-Royce Enthusiasts’ Club Celebration at Windsor held at the Castle”
“Many thanks for your support and professionalism in the production of the impressive commemorative album Britain and the Sea. It really provides an excellent insight into the Royal Navy as well as highlighting its interdependence with the wider maritime community”
“Thank you very much for the work you have put into producing such a high quality, beautiful publication for The National Society”
“The final product is superb. The quality, content, design and layout are excellent”